Absenteeism reduces productivity and decreases profits. According to a study by the Center for Disease Control, absenteeism costs business owners well over $2 billion every year in the United States alone. Consequently, it’s a good idea to have a reputable cleaning company, such as Reflections Cleaning & Maintenance, disinfect your commercial space and reduce downtime while maintaining a high level of efficiency.
So, what are the most important areas to disinfect in your place of business? There are definitely some areas that are better than others at collecting germs and bacteria. Here are some hot spots you want to make sure you keep pristine….
Breakrooms can be ripe with germs. Consider microwave handles, the sink and countertops, not to mention errant food particles that can breed unhealthy bacteria.
Everything in bathrooms, from toilet seats, to faucets, to trash bins, floors, walls and door handles, are notorious germ incubators. You definitely need a good cleaning company to handle this enormous undertaking.
Plus, anything that is frequently touched by various people – such as shared work stations, vending machines, water coolers, light switches and even pens – can pose the threat of cold, flu or virus contraction.
If you are in the food service industry, with food preparation, food storage and eating areas to worry about, it is even more imperative to keep clean. The same holds true for the hospitality industry with couches, beds, linens and more.
For more information or for help keeping your commercial space clean and healthy, call 321-262-4030. Reflections Cleaning & Maintenance…Keeping it clean in Orange, Seminole and Volusia counties.